
The Brands Blog

News and opinion from the Group and its supporters

Exploring what GSCOP means for Amazon Vendors

Amazon’s designation under the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) is ‘probably the biggest news in years’, fundamentally affecting Vendors’ relationships with Amazon. The detail will emerge over time, though big questions are already in play, such as how will Amazon maintain its profitability if upfront fees, price matching with margin support and chargebacks are constrained? Key for Vendors is to prepare and make sure they know GSCOP in detail.

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Amazon & GSCOP: the implications for brands

The announcement by the Competition and Markets Authority that Amazon was to become a designated GSCOP retailer and must comply with the Groceries Supply Code of Practice is a milestone for the company and suppliers. This Brands Blog explores the implications for suppliers and for Amazon itself and the steps suppliers need to take to ensure they benefit from this designation.

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Changing Routes to Market and the Implications for Brands

There is a pervasive sense of change. That was true before the global challenges of 2020 and has accelerated exponentially since. What does this mean for today’s brand builders in the world of fast-moving consumer goods? Where should they concentrate in order to build and sustain relevance and continue to engage us as individuals, both rationally and emotionally, and succeed? This first of two events focuses on channels to market and the implications for brands.

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The brand implications of class actions

A trend towards a more friendly class-action regime in the UK needs careful watching. Experience of class actions in other jurisdictions, in particular the US, suggests the risks from a permissive class actions regime could be significant.

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