

Welcome to the 91èÏÈÉú library. It contains the Group’s submissions, briefings, studies, press announcements, Brands Lectures, publications and articles written by some of the industry’s leading figures. For ease they are classified by purpose and by topic. Please use the filter buttons to refine your search and click the titles to download.

All are free to view and download, but not to re-sell. If any sections are quoted we ask that a suitable credit is added giving the name of the author, the publication and the words ‘©91èÏÈÉú’.

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Title Date Author Purpose
100% Marketing 2003-11-03 Rob Malcolm Brands Lectures
2012 Brands Lecture published 2013-02-21 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
A force behind the UK’s export-led growth 2013-04-26 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
A guide to brand protection 2016-09-01 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
A hidden force 2012-04-26 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Access to Brands – AIM study 2017-08-10 AIM Studies & Research
Accountability is not enough 2011-11-01 Rory Sutherland Brands Lectures
All Party IP Group – The impact of the Gowers Review 2008-10-03 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Are brands a form of corporate bullsh*t? 2017-10-12 Evan Davis Brands Lectures
Are brands good for Britain? 2001-11-01 Tim Ambler Brands Lectures
BERR – Consumer law regime 2008-07-31 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BERR – Implementing the Unfair Commercial Practices (UCP) Directive re.copycat packaging 2007-08-09 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BIS – Parasitic copying- Response to consultation on private enforcement of CPRs 2014-05-19 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BIS – Response to consultation – A competition regime for growth 2011-06-13 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BIS – Response to consultation – Empowering and protecting consumers (misleading parasitic packaging) 2011-09-23 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BIS – Response to consultation on the introduction of a GSCOP ombudsman 2010-04-29 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
BIS and OFT – Briefing- Selective distribution 2009-07-13 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Brand Briefing: Brands and Brexit 2017-08-16 91èÏÈÉú Brand Briefings
Brand Briefing: Brands and responsible business 2010-02-16 91èÏÈÉú Brand Briefings
Brand Briefing: Getting stung online 2016-06-06 91èÏÈÉú Brand Briefings
Brand Briefing: GSCOP 2017-06-09 91èÏÈÉú Brand Briefings
Brand new: Innovation in a challenging world 2010-11-01 Fiona Dawson Brands Lectures
Brand Trust in the UK Study 2015-06-12 Europanel Studies & Research
Branding for Brexit 2017-05-03 Clifford Chance 91èÏÈÉú publications
Brands – A hidden force in the UK economy 2012-04-26 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Brands – falling in love again 2022-06-28 91èÏÈÉú Brands Lectures
Brands & CEOs 2015-11-24 Patrick Barwise Brands Lectures
Brands and Consumer Trust Desk Research 2015-10-27 More Gain Solutions and IIHD|Institute Studies & Research
Brands and Consumer Trust Europanel Report 2015-10-27 Europanel Studies & Research
Brands and Consumer Trust summary report 2015-10-27 91èÏÈÉú Studies & Research
Brands and Consumer Trust The Economics of Brands 2015-10-06 Europe Economics Studies & Research
Brands and responsible business 2010-02-16 91èÏÈÉú Studies & Research
Brands and their role in competition between retailers – Infographic 2021-10-01 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications , Studies & Research
Brands and their role in competition between retailers – report 2021-10-01 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Brands beyond business 2005-11-01 Simon Anholt Brands Lectures
Brands for British success 2017-07-03 91èÏÈÉú & ACG 91èÏÈÉú publications
Brands for British success press release 2017-07-05 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Press Releases
Brands impact supermarkets by driving traffic and spend 2019-07-01 Shopper Intelligence Studies & Research
Brands, capital and crises 2013-11-01 Rita Clifton Brands Lectures
Brands, innovation and growth 2016-04-15 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Brands, innovation and growth – PIMS research paper 2004-04-01 Peter Smith and James Amos, PIMS Associates __
Brief Guide – IP for start-ups 2019-02-07 Gifty Gakpetor 91èÏÈÉú publications
Brief guide – parasitic copying 2019-12-02 Gifty Gakpetor, IP Together 91èÏÈÉú publications
91èÏÈÉú 20th Anniversary 2014-10-15 John Noble, 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
91èÏÈÉú GSCOP online quiz 2017-06-27 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
91èÏÈÉú overview 2019 2019-01-16 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Can brands save the world? Let’s hope so 2008-11-03 Richard Reed Brands Lectures
CMA – Asda Sainsbury merger – Phase 2 views 2018-11-08 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
CMA – Tesco Booker Phase 2 Investigation 2017-09-04 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Emerging Thinking 2007-03-16 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Issues Statement 2006-07-12 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Working Paper on Own Label 2007-07-01 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to working paper on supply chain practices 2007-08-24 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to working papers on supplier pricing and waterbed effects 2007-09-04 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Grocery market research – Are consumer needs being met? (Full report) 2007-09-17 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Grocery market research – Are consumer needs being met? (Summary report) 2007-09-17 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Market investigation into the supply of groceries in the UK 2006-06-06 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to GSCOP Order 2009-04-02 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to GSCOP Order consultation (Phase 2) 2009-06-29 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to provisional findings 2007-11-30 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to provisional remedies 2008-03-07 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to remedies notice 2007-11-23 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Competition Commission – Response to the introduction of an ombudsman 2009-05-28 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Confusion, heuristics and the consumer 2012-06-28 Speechly Bircham Studies & Research
Consumers, brands and trust: happy bedfellows or a new pyramid of conflict? 2014-11-20 Peter Vicary-Smith Brands Lectures
Department of Health – Consultation on standardised packaging 2014-08-07 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Department of Health – Consultation on standardised packaging 2012-07-30 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Department of Health – Plain packaging 2008-09-05 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Submissions
Don’t get stung online 2016-09-01 91èÏÈÉú & Pannone Corporate 91èÏÈÉú publications
European Commission – Plain packaging 2010-12-03 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
European policymakers – Position paper on the draft Directive on the sale of tobacco products (plain packaging) 2013-03-20 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Examples of similar packaging – 2022 2022-11-10 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Examples of similar packaging 2017 2017-08-11 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
Fair trading with supermarkets 2013-04-09 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
GCA Review 2019-2022 – 91èÏÈÉú response 2022-10-13 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Government review reinforces GSCOP 2018-02-16 John Noble Press Releases
Gowers Review – Consumers, brands and IP in 21st century 2006-04-21 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Press Releases
Groceries Code Adjudicator – Response to consultation on investigation and enforcement functions 2013-10-22 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
GSCOP retailer reports 2010-11 2011-12-12 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2011-12 2013-02-25 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2012-13 2014-02-18 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2013-14 2014-10-17 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2014-15 2015-07-07 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2015-16 2016-12-22 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2016-17 2017-08-21 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2017-18 2018-11-05 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2018-19 2019-12-13 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2019-20 2020-11-19 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP retailer reports 2020-21 2021-12-15 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
GSCOP- Review of retailers’ compliance reports 2013-02-05 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
House of Lords – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Report Stage, House of Lords 2012-07-13 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
House of Lords – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Second Reading, House of Lords 2012-05-18 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Hybrids, the heavenly bed and purple ketchup 2004-11-01 David Aaker Brands Lectures
In brands we trust 2009-11-02 Lord Bilimoria Brands Lectures
Independent IP Review – A response from the brand perspective 2011-03-04 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Submissions
Innovation – White paper 2024-05-28 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications , Studies & Research
Innovation in UK grocery 2019-2021 2024-05-28 91èÏÈÉú Studies & Research
IPO – Consultation on reform of UK designs legal framework 2012-10-02 IPO Submissions
IPO – Response to consultation on infringement of registered designs 2011-03-21 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Launch of new study into people’s trust in brands 2015-10-27 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Launch of the Manifesto for Brands 2014-12-12 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Let’s make this more interesting 2024-02-27 Adam Morgan Brands Lectures
Local Better Regulation Office – Response on priority regulatory outcomes (misleading parasitic packaging) 2011-05-06 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Manifesto for Brands 2015 2014-12-01 91èÏÈÉú 91èÏÈÉú publications
MPs – Plain packaging – a threat to brands 2009-06-04 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Never mind the quality, feel the personalisation. The future of retailing. 2016-11-15 Alan Giles Brands Lectures
New 91èÏÈÉú chairman appointed 2012 2012-02-10 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
New chairman appointed 2021-03-02 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Note of IPO BBG meeting to discuss IPI study on Lookalike Packaging 2013-11-04 Intellectual Property Office Studies & Research
OFT – Response to Annual Plan 2008-09 2008-02-15 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Packaging in a market economy 2012-06-28 Norwich Business School Studies & Research
Packaging in a market economy: The economic and commercial role of packaging communication 2012-06-28 Professor Paul Dobson and Arvind Yadav 91èÏÈÉú publications
Para-sight: A study of erroneous decision making 2017-07-25 Dr Tim Holmes, Acuity Intelligence Studies & Research
Para-sight: a study of erroneous decision-making 2017-08-15 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Parasitic packaging on the rise 2012-04-12 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Parliamentarians – Brands – a strong, resilient force behind UK’s productivity, growth and jobs 2014-04-26 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Briefing on copycat packaging and the UCP Directive 2007-08-09 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Briefing- Third Reading and Report Stage, House of Commons 2013-02-25 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2011-12 2013-02-05 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2012-13 2014-02-24 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2013-14 2014-10-20 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the IP Bill (House of Commons, Second Reading) 2013-06-12 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the IP Bill (House of Lords, Committee Stage) 2013-06-12 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Plain packaging – a threat to brands 2009-02-20 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – The case for an ombudsman (GSCOP) 2009-01-26 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians -Standardised packaging – what to expect when products look the same 2015-03-09 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – A powerful hidden force in the UK economy – Brands 2012-03-26 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Briefing-GSCOP Ombudsman 2010-03-25 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Committee stage, House of Commons 2012-12-10 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Second Reading, House of Commons 2012-11-13 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Parliamentarians – Plain packaging- the unforeseen consequences 2012-01-13 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Submissions
Parliamentarians – The role of Government in protecting and promoting IP 2012-03-30 91èÏÈÉú & ACG Submissions
Parliamentary briefing – IP exhaustion SI 2023-11-17 91èÏÈÉú Brand Briefings
Parliamentary candidates – A manifesto for brands 2010 2010-04-22 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Peers – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the Consumer Rights Bill (House of Lords, Grand Committee) 2015-10-20 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Plain packaging – a leap in the dark 2012-04-16 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Policy Audiences -GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance report 2014-15 2015-07-10 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Policy audiences – GSCOP- Summary of retailers’ compliance reports 2010-11 2011-12-12 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Posh Spice and Persil 2002-11-01 Jeremy Bullmore Brands Lectures
Response to BEIS GCA 2nd Statutory Review 2019-09-09 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to CMA on horizontal agreements 2022-01-11 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to DBT on improving information to consumers 2023-10-15 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to Government on parasitic copying 2015-10-13 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Response to interim report – Online platforms and digital advertising 2020-02-12 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to IPO on Transformation II 2023-10-31 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to the CMA on horizontal guidance 2023-03-08 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to the CMA on sustainability agreements 2023-04-11 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Response to the CMA on VABER 2021-07-23 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Review of IPI study on parasitic copies – lookalikes 2013-07-17 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Secretary of State, BERR – Competition Commission remedies for the groceries market 2009-04-07 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
Shoppers spot brands in milliseconds 2012-06-28 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Should brands take a stand? 2019-09-05 Gary Coombe Brands Lectures
Sports marketing: unleashing the passion 2012-11-01 Austin Lally Brands Lectures
Standardised packaging of tobacco products 2013-11-28 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Study into impact of similar packaging on consumer behaviour 2009-09-02 Don Edwards and Associates Studies & Research
T&I Select Committee – The work of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) 2007-04-20 91èÏÈÉú Submissions
The effect of branding on consumer choice 2012-06-28 Mountainview Studies & Research
The hidden power of packaging 2012-06-28 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
The Lovemarks effect 2006-11-01 Kevin Roberts Brands Lectures
The social contribution of brands 2004-05-01 Steve Hilton, Good Business 91èÏÈÉú publications
The social value of brands 2007-02-22 Jan Lindemann, Interbrand 91èÏÈÉú publications
The value of brands 2008-08-12 Westminster Business School Studies & Research
They think it’s all over… 2007-11-02 Martin Glenn Brands Lectures
Throwing new light on confusion 2012-06-28 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Unwrapped – The hidden power of packaging 2012-06-28 91èÏÈÉú Studies & Research
What do brands deliver to supermarkets? 2019-07-01 Shopper Intelligence Studies & Research
Why anti-sweatshop campaigners should be pro-logo 2003-05-01 Steve Hilton, Good Business 91èÏÈÉú publications
World IP Day 2013 – Brands – a force behind UK exports 2013-04-25 91èÏÈÉú Press Releases
Title ASC
100% Marketing
2012 Brands Lecture published
A force behind the UK’s export-led growth
A guide to brand protection
A hidden force
Access to Brands – AIM study
Accountability is not enough
All Party IP Group – The impact of the Gowers Review
Are brands a form of corporate bullsh*t?
Are brands good for Britain?
BERR – Consumer law regime
BERR – Implementing the Unfair Commercial Practices (UCP) Directive re.copycat packaging
BIS – Parasitic copying- Response to consultation on private enforcement of CPRs
BIS – Response to consultation – A competition regime for growth
BIS – Response to consultation – Empowering and protecting consumers (misleading parasitic packaging)
BIS – Response to consultation on the introduction of a GSCOP ombudsman
BIS and OFT – Briefing- Selective distribution
Brand Briefing: Brands and Brexit
Brand Briefing: Brands and responsible business
Brand Briefing: Getting stung online
Brand Briefing: GSCOP
Brand new: Innovation in a challenging world
Brand Trust in the UK Study
Branding for Brexit
Brands – A hidden force in the UK economy
Brands – falling in love again
Brands & CEOs
Brands and Consumer Trust Desk Research
Brands and Consumer Trust Europanel Report
Brands and Consumer Trust summary report
Brands and Consumer Trust The Economics of Brands
Brands and responsible business
Brands and their role in competition between retailers – Infographic
Brands and their role in competition between retailers – report
Brands beyond business
Brands for British success
Brands for British success press release
Brands impact supermarkets by driving traffic and spend
Brands, capital and crises
Brands, innovation and growth
Brands, innovation and growth – PIMS research paper
Brief Guide – IP for start-ups
Brief guide – parasitic copying
91èÏÈÉú 20th Anniversary
91èÏÈÉú GSCOP online quiz
91èÏÈÉú overview 2019
Can brands save the world? Let’s hope so
CMA – Asda Sainsbury merger – Phase 2 views
CMA – Tesco Booker Phase 2 Investigation
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Emerging Thinking
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Issues Statement
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to Working Paper on Own Label
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to working paper on supply chain practices
Competition Commission – Groceries market investigation – response to working papers on supplier pricing and waterbed effects
Competition Commission – Grocery market research – Are consumer needs being met? (Full report)
Competition Commission – Grocery market research – Are consumer needs being met? (Summary report)
Competition Commission – Market investigation into the supply of groceries in the UK
Competition Commission – Response to GSCOP Order
Competition Commission – Response to GSCOP Order consultation (Phase 2)
Competition Commission – Response to provisional findings
Competition Commission – Response to provisional remedies
Competition Commission – Response to remedies notice
Competition Commission – Response to the introduction of an ombudsman
Confusion, heuristics and the consumer
Consumers, brands and trust: happy bedfellows or a new pyramid of conflict?
Department of Health – Consultation on standardised packaging
Department of Health – Consultation on standardised packaging
Department of Health – Plain packaging
Don’t get stung online
European Commission – Plain packaging
European policymakers – Position paper on the draft Directive on the sale of tobacco products (plain packaging)
Examples of similar packaging – 2022
Examples of similar packaging 2017
Fair trading with supermarkets
GCA Review 2019-2022 – 91èÏÈÉú response
Government review reinforces GSCOP
Gowers Review – Consumers, brands and IP in 21st century
Groceries Code Adjudicator – Response to consultation on investigation and enforcement functions
GSCOP retailer reports 2010-11
GSCOP retailer reports 2011-12
GSCOP retailer reports 2012-13
GSCOP retailer reports 2013-14
GSCOP retailer reports 2014-15
GSCOP retailer reports 2015-16
GSCOP retailer reports 2016-17
GSCOP retailer reports 2017-18
GSCOP retailer reports 2018-19
GSCOP retailer reports 2019-20
GSCOP retailer reports 2020-21
GSCOP- Review of retailers’ compliance reports
House of Lords – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Report Stage, House of Lords
House of Lords – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Second Reading, House of Lords
Hybrids, the heavenly bed and purple ketchup
In brands we trust
Independent IP Review – A response from the brand perspective
Innovation – White paper
Innovation in UK grocery 2019-2021
IPO – Consultation on reform of UK designs legal framework
IPO – Response to consultation on infringement of registered designs
Launch of new study into people’s trust in brands
Launch of the Manifesto for Brands
Let’s make this more interesting
Local Better Regulation Office – Response on priority regulatory outcomes (misleading parasitic packaging)
Manifesto for Brands 2015
MPs – Plain packaging – a threat to brands
Never mind the quality, feel the personalisation. The future of retailing.
New 91èÏÈÉú chairman appointed 2012
New chairman appointed
Note of IPO BBG meeting to discuss IPI study on Lookalike Packaging
OFT – Response to Annual Plan 2008-09
Packaging in a market economy
Packaging in a market economy: The economic and commercial role of packaging communication
Para-sight: A study of erroneous decision making
Para-sight: a study of erroneous decision-making
Parasitic packaging on the rise
Parliamentarians – Brands – a strong, resilient force behind UK’s productivity, growth and jobs
Parliamentarians – Briefing on copycat packaging and the UCP Directive
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Briefing- Third Reading and Report Stage, House of Commons
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2011-12
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2012-13
Parliamentarians – GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance reports 2013-14
Parliamentarians – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the IP Bill (House of Commons, Second Reading)
Parliamentarians – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the IP Bill (House of Lords, Committee Stage)
Parliamentarians – Plain packaging – a threat to brands
Parliamentarians – The case for an ombudsman (GSCOP)
Parliamentarians -Standardised packaging – what to expect when products look the same
Parliamentarians – A powerful hidden force in the UK economy – Brands
Parliamentarians – Briefing-GSCOP Ombudsman
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Committee stage, House of Commons
Parliamentarians – Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill – Second Reading, House of Commons
Parliamentarians – Plain packaging- the unforeseen consequences
Parliamentarians – The role of Government in protecting and promoting IP
Parliamentary briefing – IP exhaustion SI
Parliamentary candidates – A manifesto for brands 2010
Peers – Parasitic copying- a briefing on the Consumer Rights Bill (House of Lords, Grand Committee)
Plain packaging – a leap in the dark
Policy Audiences -GSCOP Summary or retailers’ compliance report 2014-15
Policy audiences – GSCOP- Summary of retailers’ compliance reports 2010-11
Posh Spice and Persil
Response to BEIS GCA 2nd Statutory Review
Response to CMA on horizontal agreements
Response to DBT on improving information to consumers
Response to Government on parasitic copying
Response to interim report – Online platforms and digital advertising
Response to IPO on Transformation II
Response to the CMA on horizontal guidance
Response to the CMA on sustainability agreements
Response to the CMA on VABER
Review of IPI study on parasitic copies – lookalikes
Secretary of State, BERR – Competition Commission remedies for the groceries market
Shoppers spot brands in milliseconds
Should brands take a stand?
Sports marketing: unleashing the passion
Standardised packaging of tobacco products
Study into impact of similar packaging on consumer behaviour
T&I Select Committee – The work of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
The effect of branding on consumer choice
The hidden power of packaging
The Lovemarks effect
The social contribution of brands
The social value of brands
The value of brands
They think it’s all over…
Throwing new light on confusion
Unwrapped – The hidden power of packaging
What do brands deliver to supermarkets?
Why anti-sweatshop campaigners should be pro-logo
World IP Day 2013 – Brands – a force behind UK exports