
It is more difficult than ever for brands to differentiate themselves from competitors and keep up with peoples’ ever-changing needs. Getting to the root of what shoppers want is key and sustainability is a top issue for many in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Homethings has identified this as its brand purpose and put it at the heart of everything it does.

Since first launching its three refillable cleaning spray tabs in 2020, Homethings has made great strides in its mission to reduce the amount of waste water and single-use plastics in the household category.

In the past year, Homethings has served more than 26,000 customers, saved 23 tonnes of single-use plastic from landfill, launched five new products, and evolved from a DTC subscription model into supplying retailers. Homethings have also continued to innovate, launching the world’s first powder to gel washing-up liquid, made of only natural ingredients, and has boosted its ethical credentials by attaining B Corp status.

Customers today are experiencing ‘purpose fatigue’ as many brands are talking about sustainability but not being clear how they are delivering it. People want brands to take their environmental responsibilities seriously and to demonstrate visible progress. This is Homethings’ plan. The brand has made strong commitments: no single-use plastic; no use of environmentally harmful ingredients; and products that are vegan and cruelty-free. It is clearly communicating this authentic approach to its consumers. This makes marketing sense as it will resonate with their values and reinforces its B Corp status. A valuable lesson for brands to learn from Homethings is, don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk!

This year Homethings was awarded Winner of Grocer Gold Awards 2022: Startup of the Year

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