
Grocery brands have capitalised on the consumer demand for products delivered direct to the home over the pandemic, extending the options for consumers to purchase products. Kraft Heinz and Walkers Crisps are two brands that have taken this further, launching official stores on eBay selling a range of bundles and bulk packs.

The bundles are offered with the 鈥淏uy it now鈥 option rather than bidding. Heinz also have a dedicated DTC store 鈥淗einz to Home鈥 and commenced a partnership with Deliveroo to offer a menu of five different听Beanz听burgers and sides for delivery across London.

Since opening an official eBay store in June last year, Walkers Crisps have established 1,176 followers with 99.6% positive feedback. Small numbers, but interesting data.

By opening new channels, these companies are making products available in different quantities to potentially different consumers while also providing an official source for products in a marketplace where third party resellers are also present.

This is clearly in its early stages and it is hard to predict how successful it will be, but it reflects a change in the mindset of brand owners. Rather than waiting to see if a channel or platform 鈥榯akes off鈥, experience tells them they need to participate and learn as new ideas develop. Making products available to customers and consumers when and where they wish to buy, and in formats and quantities required, are critical success factors and the distribution landscape continually shifts and changes. Brands must be alert to these changes and adapt in order to sustain relevancy.
