
Soup brand听Re:Nourish听has rapidly grown over the pandemic as consumers demand healthier products with added functional nutrition benefits. This branded soup is marketed as soup for on-the-move and听

CEO and founder of Re:Nourish Nicci Clarke was once a cardiac nurse and after taking a course in nutrition founded one of the first fresh food delivery companies in the UK called Nourished. Staying ahead of consumer trends, Nicci identified consumers were turning away from fruit juice due to its high sugar content and identified soup as a more health-conscious and nutritious alternative.

The bottle packaging, which required significant investment to develop, fits the听the听product proposition of 鈥済rab and go鈥 while creating a bottle that could be microwavable.

The brand is now driving growth in UK retailers and the foodservice channel, while also being available in universities and NHS locations. This month听Re:Nourish听has not only scooped The Grocer鈥檚 New Product Awards 2021 in the Soup category but also secured a 拢2m investment to support its plans to grow the brand around the world.

Re:Nourish reflects the huge growth in wellness and functional foods. It exemplifies the need for brand innovation to deliver on many different levels in order to be considered by retail customers and consumers. In this case the health benefits of the product combine with clear labelling, a defined usage occasion and convenience, coming together in a clear proposition to consumers.听
